Medical expenses can add up quickly following a car accident injury. If you have been injured in an Illinois car accident, watch this video to find out how you can get your medical bills paid.
It is important to note that the insurance company for the other driver typically won’t pay your medical expenses unless they make a mistake or are trying to keep you happy so that they can settle your case before you hire a skilled Collinsville injury attorney. With this in mind, here are four ways you can get your medical bills reimbursed, including:
- Your own auto insurance plan likely has MedPay or personal injury protection coverage, which can be used to pay your medical bills that resulted from an accident.
- Your health insurance can also be used to cover your medical bills, although your auto insurance MedPay coverage is primary.
- If you have federal Medicare, you can get your medical bills paid that are related to a crash, but Medicare will have to be reimbursed out of your settlement or verdict.
- A lawyer may be able to find a doctor who will treat you and take a lien on the settlement or verdict of your case.
To get more information after you or a family member has been hurt in an accident in Edwardsville, Illinois, fill out the form on this website and get your FREE "Illinois Guide Book to Auto Accidents and Injuries" and the "Illinois Guide Book to Semi Truck Accidents." Or better yet, for more direct answers call the Giacoletto Law Firm at 618-346-8841 or toll free at 888-346-8841 to speak today with an experienced Madison and St. Clair County accident attorney centrally located in Collinsville.