Although most if not all states in this country require each driver or automobile to have insurance coverage, that fact that you do not will generally not impact your accident. What is most important is that the driver at fault has insurance. Your lack of auto insurance is irrelevant to the driver at fault’s negligence and his liability for all of your damages. However, if the driver at fault does not have auto insurance and you also do not have auto insurance, then it is not likely that you will recover for the damages to your person or to your vehicle. If neither you nor the other driver has insurance, then the only way for you to recover is for the driver at fault to have the money themselves to pay for your damages. This probably will not happen considering that if the driver at fault had money to begin with, then they most likely would have paid for auto insurance.
To get more information after you or a family member has been hurt in an accident in Illinois, fill out the form on this website and get your FREE "Illinois Guide Book to Auto Accidents and Injuries" and the "Illinois Guide Book to Semi Truck Accidents." Or better yet, for more direct answers call the Giacoletto Law Firm at 618-346-8841 or toll free at 888-346-8841 to speak today with an experienced Madison or St. Clair County accident attorney centrally located in Collinsville.