Liabilty insurance coverage for car accidents in Madison and St. Clair Counties is mandatory and the  minimum limits may go higher if Illinois Governor Pat Quinn approves legislation that's already been passed in the House and Senate.

Presently, minimum policy limits are $20,000 for the injury of a single individual and $40,000 for the injuries of two or more people.

The bill before the Governor proposes minimum limits of $25,000 for a single person in a crash, negotiated down from $50,000 as was originally proposed.

Liabiltiy insurance  is vital in creating a pool of money available for persons injured in auto accidents to pay for their medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

To get more information after you or a family member has been hurt in an accident in Illinois,fill out the form on this website and get your FREE "Illinois Guide Book to Auto Accidents and Injuries" and the "Illinois Guide Book to Semi Truck Accidents." Or better yet, for more direct answers call the Giacoletto Law Firm at 618-346-8841 or toll free at 888-346-8841 to speak today with an experienced Madison or St. Clair County accident attorney centrally located in Collinsville.

Steve Giacoletto
Collinsville Personal Injury Attorney
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